
solar nebula中文是什么意思

  • 太星
  • 太阳星云



  • 例句与用法
  • Solar nebula theory
  • Theorists figure a pre - solar nebula began to collapse about 5 billion years ago , possibly triggered by a shock wave from a nearby exploding star
  • According to common scientific wisdom , comets formed in the outer edges of the “ solar nebula , ” the swirling disk of gas and dust which gave birth to the solar system 4 . 6 billion years ago
    根据通常的科学常识,彗星都形成于“太阳星云” ? ?那个46亿年前诞生了太阳系的气体和尘埃盘,的边缘地带。
  • The minerals in these assemblages form at high temperatures , at least 1 , 180 degrees c , so the refractory inclusions presumably date from the very beginning of the solar system ' s history , before the solar nebula cooled significantly
    这些组合体内的矿物形成于非常高的温度,至少约1180 ,因此耐火包体可能产生于太阳系历史的最初期,在太阳星云显著冷却之前。
  • Some new laboratory studies of the manner in which deuterium gets exchanged between hydrogen gas and water vapor have indicated that the water vapor in the local region of the solar nebula would have had about the right proportion of deuterium to balance the excess deuterium seen in comets
  • It also appears to solve the deuterium problem but only if the rocky materials out near the earth ' s present orbit picked up some local water from the solar nebula ( the cloud of gas and dust surrounding the young sun ) before they accreted to form the earth
    同时,看上去它也解决了气含量的问题? ?但是只有当外来的岩石物质处于地球现今轨道附近时,并且在它们增生形成地球之前,从太阳的星云里(围绕着年轻太阳的气体和尘埃)获取了水时,这个问题才最终得到解决。
  • Models of the solar system ' s early history posit that the frequency of impacts should have tapered off between 4 . 5 billion and four billion years ago because most of the planetesimals ? the small rocky bodies that formed from the solar nebula ? were gradually cast out of the inner solar system or absorbed by the outer planets
    描述太阳系早期历史的模式假设,撞击频率应该在45 ~ 40亿年前趋缓,因为大部份的微行星(由太阳星云形成的小型石质天体)逐渐被驱逐出内太阳系或被外行星吸收。
  • To circumvent this problem , advocates of 26al heating hypothesize that some chondrules might have formed earlier in the solar system ' s history ? perhaps closer to the time when the minerals in the refractory inclusions condensed from the solar nebula ? and thus had much higher 26al to 27al ratios
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